TEMC is Proud Partner of Nemo’s Garden – world’s FIRST underwater greenhouse

Is it just a dream or is it reality? Imagine a location around the world with no fresh water available, just land by the sea. Would it be possible to plant vegetables in those conditions without external support?
This is now a reality.
Years of experimentation down the road, a number of biospheres created, vegetable crops, rough seas that destroyed everything, live web streaming from underwater, studies, data collecting, extreme environment for sensor testing.
And all is real and active.
TEMC is providing the DE-OX sensors for the farmer life support atmosphere into the biospheres, with remote continous monitoring.
Since 4 years TEMC tests new sensors and solution in this extreme environment.
The result? One of year of continous monitoring underwater activities with no failures or interruptions!
Safety of the underwater workers is not an option but a must in all the possible environment under and over the sea.